Michael Rudolph
Effective bosonic degrees of freedom for
one-flavour chromodynamics

J. Kijowski, G. Rudolph, M. Rudolph

NTZ Preprint 22/1996, University of Leipzig, 1996
arXiv:hep-th/9606020v1, 1996


We apply an earlier formulated programme for quantization of nonabelian gauge theories to one-flavour chromodynamics. This programme consists in a complete reformulation of the functional integral in terms of gauge invariant quantities. For the model under consideration two types of gauge invariants occur - quantities, which are bilinear in quarks and antiquarks (mesons) and a matrix-valued covector field, which is bilinear in quarks, antiquarks and their covariant derivatives. This covector field is linear in the original gauge potential, and can be, therefore, considered as the gauge potential 'dressed' in a gauge invariant way with matter. Thus, we get a complete bosonization of the theory. The strong interaction is described by a highly non-linear effective action obtained after integrating out quarks and gluons from the functional integral. All constructions are done consequently on the quantum level, where quarks and antiquarks are anticommuting objects. Our quantization procedure circumvents the Gribov ambiguity.