Michael Rudolph
The true worth of a man
is to be measured by the objects he pursues
Marcus Aurelius

I am a senior CNRS research scientist and staff member at the Institute Denis Poisson, University of Tours. My educational background is in mathematical physics (effective and quantum field theories) and discrete mathematics (graph theory, combinatorics and number theory). After a decade-long detour through the often abysmal realms of theoretical neuroscience, my research targets now exclusively the field of discrete effinite mathematics, its applications and philosophical implications, with current projects focusing on subjects in finite graph theory and classical number theory. Fuelled by a lifelong burning passion, my primary goal lies here in the humble attempt to understand physical reality from an inherently finite discrete perspective, and to rigorously argue in support of this uncompromising philosophical stance.

Current Research Projects and Interests


1994 M.Sc. in Physics, University of Leipzig (Leipzig, Germany), magna cum laude
thesis title: Formulation of QED in Terms of Gauge Invariant Quantities (PDF, in German)

1998 Ph.D. in Theoretical Physics, University of Leipzig (Leipzig, Germany), magna cum laude
thesis title: Investigation of Quantum Field Theories in Terms of Local Gauge Invariants (PDF, in German)

Academic Positions

1998-1999 postdoctoral research associate in mathematical physics, Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Leipzig, Germany

2000 postdoctoral fellow in computational neuroscience (NIH grant), Laval University, Quebec, Canada

2001-2002 chercheur associé (poste rouge) in computational neuroscience, UNIC, CNRS, France

2003-2004 post-doc in computational neuroscience (HFSP grant), UNIC, CNRS, France

2004-2021 chargé de recherche de première classe (CR1, senior research position), UNIC, CNRS, France

since 2021 chargé de recherche de première classe (CR1, senior research position), Institute Denis Poisson, CNRS/University of Tours, France